We cover for the costs of running a meetup on http://meetup.com and provide meetup organizations with support in the form of assets, materials, sourcing speakers, project management, anything to help reduce the burden of running a local user group and help the local meetup run successful events.
Lead: TBD
PM: Anna Tadini Adam Jackson / @tadanna @adamj89 (GSF Staff)
Website: https://www.meetup.com/pro/gsf/
Governance: https://grnsft.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a/pages/1015850
Project Board: https://github.com/orgs/Green-Software-Foundation/projects/20
It will improve culture by “connecting people together globally into communities”.
It will improve culture by “giving opportunities for speakers to get feedback on their talks and gain confidence in speaking”.
Email: - meetup-organizers@greensoftware.foundation
GitHub: The meetup discussions channel.