[!important] Historic Document Project This project is historic and is no longer being run inside the Green Software Foundation. Documents are *NOT maintained or improved. This project cannot be reactivated.

The ONLY edition of the State of Green Software (SOGS) was published on May 31, 2023. This digital publication brings forth global insights and data from industry leaders and researchers to increase investment in decarbonizing software at scale.


There is growing awareness of the enormous environmental impact of digital products. This has led to global efforts to address it through green software, meaning software optimized to generate the least amount of CO2 emissions.

This comprehensive digital publication offers the latest insights, trends, challenges, and opportunities in decarbonizing software. It sheds light on the current state of affairs and provides guidance on shaping policies and regulations to foster a more climate-conscious, carbon-aware, and energy-efficient software industry.

Getting Started - NA

[!important] Historic Document Project This project is historic and is no longer being run inside the Green Software Foundation. Documents are *NOT maintained or improved. This project cannot be reactivated.

People & links

Objectives & Key Results

OBJ2: Change tech culture

  • KR2.4: 200K people have viewed at least one insight from the SoGS report by end 2023