
Our meetup program facilitates the growth of the global community of green software practitioners.

Short description

We cover for the costs of running a meetup on and provide meetup organizations with support in the form of assets, materials, sourcing speakers, project management, anything to help reduce the burden of running a local user group and help the local meetup run successful events.



Getting Started


OKR1: Grow the global meetup community

Full description

The GSF Meetup Community enables open source cooperation and involvement for all green software enthusiasts.  GSF aims to create a trusted ecosystem of people, standards, tooling and best practices for green software. The Meetup community is an excellent way of activating the base.

In October 2022, GSF released its new and upgraded Meetup Community, a playground for green software enthusiasts of any rank and order. Our goal is to consistently grown the network in different cities around the globe and is considerably increase membership in 2023.

Finding like-minded green software developers is extremely difficult. There is nowhere to turn to for interested individuals to learn more, get involved and get active without becoming a GSF member. This is particularly true for students or people wanting to venture into the green software space. Also, IT events are often in English, with local languages playing a subordinate role.

The GSF Meetup ecosystem has solved these issues by bringing together individuals interested in green software, enabling them to engage in local chapters and groups in their local language. 

It has also created a tool for GSF member organizations to get their employees involved, as well as a base for connecting with and hiring talent.

Roadmap 2023

What we expect this year:


(tick) GSF Annual Report - Released


(blue star) State of Green Software Report

(blue star) World Environment Day - June 5th (details TBD)


(blue star) TEDx (details TBD)

(blue star) OS Summit (details TBD)


(blue star) CarbonHack23 (details TBD)

(blue star) COP28 (details TBD)