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    Project Lead and WG Chair Guide to Champions

    This guide is intended only for Project Leads and Working Group Chairs.

    For a project overview visit



    The new Green Software Champions project represents a substantial transformation from our Speakers project, including many new types of contribution (known as “activities” within this project), and for the first time a link to GSF Projects and Working Groups.

    As a Project Lead or Working Group Chair, you now have a new action to review Champion activities relating to your Project/WG.

    When a Champion submits a new activity, it is reviewed by the GSF to check for basic accuracy and alignment. We use Airtable to collect information, but all of the changes for the website go into GitHub.

    The Process in detail

    We use Airtable to collect and manage data which is to be updated. Once the PM has checked the Activities for general accuracy, data is then transcribed by the PM or Project Assistant (PA) to a YAML file. A new file is created for first-time Champions, thereafter any profile updates or additional activities are added to this file.

    We use Pull Requests to ensure accountability and transparency in our project. The Project Assistant will tag the relevant WG Chair or Project Lead in the pull request, which will show the changes in the YAML file to be considered. The Chair/Lead’s responsibility is to check whether the activity is indeed aligned to the project and is accurate.

    This does not mean that the Chair/Lead has to know the Champion in person. For example, a Champion may speak about the Impact Framework but not be a GSF Member or involved in the project directly. This is still a valid activity, the check is to ensure the talk did indeed happen and and was aligned to the correct project.

    Some of the more general activities will be aligned to a Working Group rather than a project. For example, a general talk on Standards should align to Standards WG. An introductory talk about Green Software should align to the Community WG. The PM/PA will do their best to ensure the activities have a good alignment.

    Approval Process

    The responsibility of the Chair/Lead is to check and comment on the PR. Final approval will be done by the PM or PA. However, we also encourage Projects and WGs to discuss some of the Champion activities in their regular meetings. Doing so will strengthen bonds between Champions and Projects/WGs.

    On request, a report link can be generated showing the status of Activities aligned to a Project/WG.

    Once the Chair/Lead has given their approval, the PM/PA will approve the PR and within a few hours, the activity will be shown in the Champion Profile at https://champions.greensoftware.foundation. The PM/PA will also update the status in Airtable which will generate an automated email to the Champion notifying them that approval has been given.

    In the event that the Chair/Lead wishes to decline or has more questions, our main endeavour will be to seek clarity from the Champion in the first instance. Only when a resolution can not be found will the GSF decline the activity.


    Deadline to Approve

    The Chair or Lead should give their approval/feedback in a comment as soon as possible. If no response is received within 1 week, the GSF PM will approve directly.

    Example YAML File

    In this example YAML file, it is the activities that need to be reviewed. The file shows the following:

    Controbution type: Organizing

    Linked Project: Decarbonize Software

    Contribution Subtype: Green Software Conference

    Dates: 1st July 2023 to 16th November 2023

    Activity Title: Decarbonize Software

    Activity Description: Adam was the organizer of the Decarb 2023 event.

    URL: https://decarb.greensoftware.foundation

    Related Event: Decarbonize Software

    --- layout: ../../layouts/ChampionLayout.astro firstName: Adam lastName: Jackson role: Community PM organization: Green Software Foundation languages: - English - Franglais - Geordie pronoun: He/Him country: United Kingdom city: Twyford bio: A really awesome person type: normal social: github: adamj89 linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adampjackson/ twitter: adamj89 website: https://tech-community.co.uk activities: - contributionType: organizing linkedGSFProject: Decarbonize-Software subtype: green-software-conference dateFrom: 2023-07-01 dateTo: 2023-11-16 title: Decarbonize Software description: Adam was the organizer of the Decarb 2023 event. url: https://decarb.greensoftware.foundation relatedEvent: Decarbonize Software



    • What is the Green Software Champions project? The Green Software Champions project is a new initiative by the Green Software Foundation to recognize and reward individuals who contribute to the green software movement through various activities, such as speaking, writing, organizing, coding, and more.

    • How can I become a Green Software Champion? You can apply to be a Green Software Champion by filling out this form. Please read this page first: . You will need to provide some basic information about yourself, your affiliation, and your preferred language. You will also need to agree to the Code of Conduct and the Terms and Conditions.

    • What are the benefits of being a Green Software Champion? As a Green Software Champion, you will be able to showcase your achievements and impact on the green software community. You will also have access to resources, events, and opportunities to network and collaborate with other Champions and GSF members.

    • How can I submit my activities as a Green Software Champion? You can submit your activities by filling out this form. You will need to provide some details about your activity, such as the type, the date, the title, the description, and the URL. You will also need to select the GSF project or working group that your activity is aligned to.

    • How are my activities reviewed and approved as a Green Software Champion? Your activities will be reviewed by the GSF Community PM and the relevant project lead or working group chair. They will check for the accuracy and alignment of your activity. If your activity is approved, it will be displayed on your Champion profile at https://champions.greensoftware.foundation. You will also receive an email notification. If your activity is declined or needs more clarification, you will be contacted by the GSF.