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Manual / SOGS

PM Overview

The project is still on hold as of February 15, 2023. Each task has been reviewed on January 17, 2023 shortly after placing the project on hold. All the updates are available in the repo.

  • Interviews – The list of interviews is saved here and summaries are available for review here.

  • Research and Insights – Findings of the initial desktop research are available for review in the ops folder. Access is restricted. The Policy WG may delegate further reviewers when the time comes.

  • Survey Data – Survey Monkey access shared with Tamara on January 6 today. Discussion to be continued later. All the data has been saved in the ops folder (access is restricted). Question 26 includes personal data (stored in another folder).

  • Map of the Green Software Ecosystem | Organizations – Cameron is working on this separately. See details in this GH issue.

  • Editing – Once the report is available for review, it should be shared with the editor. Timings have changes so her availability should be double-checked when the time comes. See this issue:
    Final review by the editor · Issue #38

  • Design & Web – Jenya will create a PDF version while Osama will be working on the website:
    [SOGS] PDF creation for SOGS · Issue #36,
    [SOGS] Website creation for SOGS report · Issue #35

Marketing activities have been reviewed and summarized on January 3, 2023.

  • We are no longer promoting the survey.

  • ETA of the SOGS report: April (might change)

  • Format: website and downloadable PDF

  • The PDF is just a regular report, nothing fancy.

  • The website is explained in this doc and in this video (the approach might have changed recently). Basically the website should be driven by the insights/findings from the report. Each insight can be viewed on its own without reading the rest of the report, this means we will have to repeat content. You can go through the insights in any order, read the ones that you are interested in and ignore the rest.

  • Namrata’s input / advice might be needed on what titles to use for the insights. The PM should reach out when the time comes.

Resources: Marketing assets & useful links, SOGS KPIs, ShortIO Conversion rates (last updated on Dec 12)

Tracking metrics

Useful assets and links for PM

Some of these details might have changed along the way so everything should be double-checked with Asim when the project goes live again:

Useful assets and links for marketing

Most of these materials might be out of date in 2023 and should be double-checked when the project goes live again:

Managing the email group

This projects does not have its own email group as of February 15, 2023. The policy-wg@greensoftware.foundation google group has been used for updates so far. Make sure to fill in the blank spaces below once data is available.

  • Email: -

  • Member list: -

  • Posting: -

Working with Survey Monkey

  1. Make sure you have access to the GSF account.

  2. The survey is now closed and the data is available for analysis in Survey Monkey.

  3. Note that we have used collectors to gather data from member organizations separately.