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Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee is made up of the Working Group chairs and Project Leads for Graduated projects.

Whereas the is more focused on long term strategic direction of the Foundation the Oversight Committee is more focused on tactical, day to day aspects of running the Foundation.

Their responsiblies are listed on the OC website, mirroring them here for convenience:

  • Coordinating the technical direction of the Green Software Foundation.

  • Approving project proposals (including, but not limited to, incubation, deprecation and changes to a project’s charter or scope) in accordance with a project lifecycle document to be developed, approved and maintained by the OC.

  • Establishing community norms, workflows, or policies for releases.

  • Discussing, seeking consensus, and where necessary, voting on matters that affect multiple projects.

  • Making budget allocation recommendations to the Steering Committee.

  • Making recomendations for changes to the Foundations charter.


  • Meets on the first Tuesday of every month

  • 16:30 UTC

  • Open to every Project Lead and Working Group Chair.