Project Management

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Project Management

The purpose of these documents is to provide guidance to Project Managers of the Green Software Foundation about how to run their project and comply with the GSF requirements.

Getting Started



Project Planning & Tracking

Minimum Viable Project

Every project in the Foundation needs at least these.

  1. A repository on GitHub (see GitHub Repositories & Permissions)

  2. The relevant teams created and GitHub and added with permissions to the GitHub repository (see GitHub Repositories & Permissions)

  3. A project board on GitHub to manage the issues (see Project Boards)

  4. A public discussion forum on your GitHub repository (see https://docs.github.com/en/discussions/quickstart)

  5. A page on the Project Wiki (see https://greensoftwarefoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a&title=Project%20Documentation&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=5668902)

  6. A private email list (google group) which is used to communicate with people interested in the project. (see Google Groups / Email Lists)

  7. Ensure the digest email process has your project, repository and email list registered so a digest email of all activities goes our to all interested parties every Monday (see https://greensoftwarefoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a/pages/25002173 )

  8. At least the next milestone defined with KPIs (metrics) to track progress towards those milestones. (see KPIs & Milestones )

  9. Projects getting closer to graduation need OKRs to measure their impact post release. (see https://greensoftwarefoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a&title=OKRs&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=5668902)

  10. Have you considered how you are going to market major milestones, this is not an afterthought and requires careful planning (see https://greensoftwarefoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a&title=Marketing%20Checklist&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=5668902)