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Please visit our new site at https://wiki.greensoftware.foundation/ for the latest information.
Weekly Newsletter (Green News 🌱)
Our weekly newsletter offers the latest news, events, training and tooling around the world focused on green software.
The Green Software Foundation is a trusted resource of high-value, evidence-based, timely news and information. Our weekly newsletter reached over 4,000 technologists from across the globe who are passionate about sustainability and want to stay on the pulse but need more time.
Anyone interested in software, from developers and designers to project managers and solution architects and the C-Suite, read our newsletters because our content helps present a strong business case for greening software and building, deploying, and releasing software that uses clean energy more efficiently.
Key people & links
Communications Lead & Project Manager: Namrata Narayan (LI) | Green Software Foundation
Governance: https://greensoftwarefoundation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~612dd45e45cd76006a84071a/pages/3408027
Catalogue of previous issues: https://us5.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=ddc99c7db248c3df0ef4f7d24&id=c5376a805c
In the future, search your inbox for: Green News # to find our newsletters!
Subscribe to our newsletter: https://grnsft.org/newsletter
Email: news@greensoftware.foundation
GSF Discussions: https://github.com/orgs/Green-Software-Foundation/discussions
Add Content to an upcoming newsletter: https://github.com/Green-Software-Foundation/writers/issues/116
Stay Connected & Engaged
The best way to start getting involved in the newsletter is to engage on the GSF Discussions forum by sharing announcements, news articles, and research studies on green software.
Members can also inform us of internal developments, individual thought leadership on green software and upcoming events by joining weekly Community Working Group Calls.
OBJ 1: Grow the newsletter audience
KR 1.1: 10K subscribers by the end of 2023
People believe the newsletter is worth giving their email address to.
KR 1.2: Maintain an unsubscribe and spam report rate of <1% by end of 2023
If subscribers is 1000, then total number of unsubscribers should be <10
We meet people’s expectations regarding the newsletter
OBJ2: Drive traffic from the newsletter
KR 2.1: Maintain an open rate of >40%
The newsletter keeps people interested.
KR 2.2: Maintain a click rate of >10%
People get value from the newsletter.