Standards / SCI Guide

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Standards / SCI Guide


The SCI Guidance project details various approaches on how to understand the different methodologies that are available for calculating energy, carbon intensity,embodied emissions and functional unit values which are the core components of the SCI calculation.

Short description

Internally the SCI guidance project also tries to provide pointers to various reference datasets that are available either in the public forums or with OEMs. These datasets point to reference values for E, I, M and R and are provided for standard configurations intended to help calculate the SCI score. Hence we would have a section beneath each of the components E, I, M and R that calls out reference SCI open datasets that can be leveraged for calculation of that component.

Key people & links

  • PM: Sean Mcilroy (LI) | Green Software Foundation

  • Chair: Navveen Balani | Avanade

  • Chair: Srinivasan Rakhunathan| Microsoft

  • Website: SCI Guidance

  • Repository: SCI Guidance repo


Getting Involved

  • Are you ready to join the fun and make a difference? The first thing you should do is go to the GitHub discussions forum and say “Hi” in the Introductions category and/or read & comment on any of the discussions. You can also browse and join any of the lively discussions there. This is the best way to learn and get involved with this awesome working group and the wider GSF community.

  • Do you have a brilliant project idea that you want to share with the world? Then start a discussion on the GitHub Ideas board and get the interest of at least three people from 2 different member organisations. You can then reach out to the chairs or PM who will add your idea to the next working group meeting agenda.

  • Our Standards Working Group meets bi-weekly on a Thursday at 1600 UTC.