Opensource / Carbon-Ci

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Opensource / Carbon-Ci

[!important] Incubation Project
This project is an incubation project being run inside the Green Software Foundation; as such, we *DON’T recommend using it in any critical use case. Incubation projects are experimental, offer no support guarantee, have minimal governance and process, and may be retired at any moment. This project may one day graduate, in which case this disclaimer will be removed.

Project Summary

Calculate the carbon emissions of an application via static analysis of the code and any infrastructure as code files in a repository.


This project aims to build the capability to calculate the carbon emissions of an application via static analysis of the code and any infrastructure as code files in a repository.

This tooling covers the pipeline from a git commit, up to deployment, in a typical continuous integration/continuous deployment process.

Considered approaches include:

  1. A GitHub Action to run during deployment

  2. A GitHub Action to run on a pull request

  3. A Pre-commit application to run every time a commit is made

Get Involved

Key Contacts

  • PM: Sophie Trinder | Green Software Foundation

  • Project Lead: Fergus Kidd (Avanade)

  • Co-Lead: Navveen Balani (Accenture)

  • Email: carbon-ci@greensoftware.foundation (members only)

  • Discussions: GitHub (members and public)